Another sign to consider is if you are completely unable to move your wrist either because you have so much pain or because of the swelling. Dr. Tyser: Right where your wrist bends. What is the long term consequence of that? Dr. Miller: How would somebody know if they might have a wrist fracture versus a sprain of the wrist? It means that most of your wrist ligaments are torn, and you might face serious consequences such as major functionality loss and pain. Sometimes people that are skiing or participating in other sports that take a hard fall unexpectedly have that fracture. Many general orthopedic surgeons are more than qualified to take care of the routine, distal radius and other wrist fractures. There are eight wrist bones which are connected to the forearm bones called the radius and the ulna. Are you worried about diabetes symptoms? Schedule an appointment to have a medical professional decide if you will need surgery, an x-ray, orspecifictreatment options. Watch for any bruising at the site of the injury, as this can be a sign that your sprain is severe enough to damage surrounding blood vessels. A sprained wrist causes pain, inflammation, and sometimes bruising, depending on the severity of the injury (either Grade 1, 2 or 3). If you aren't sure if you should break up,, Toxic Test | Are You A Toxic Person? [1] Sometimes it can be difficult to tell the difference between a badly sprained wrist and a bone fracture, so being well-informed should help you make the distinction. Soldier Poet or King Test. ">, DNV GL Public Information Policy Statement. Dr. Tyser: Exactly. Do You Know How to Survive in the Wild? Grade 2 wrist sprains generate moderate-to-severe pain, depending on the degree of tearing; the pain is sharper than a Grade 1 tear and sometimes also throbbing because of inflammation. If cared for properly, you can recover from such an injury in a few days. This 100% Honest Quiz Tells You, Quiz: Is My Wrist Broken or Sprained? People may assume the level of pain an injury causes is directly related to the extent of an injury. If left untreated, a severe wrist sprain may increase your risk of developing osteoarthritis as you get older. However, we tried to overcome the challenge by asking you specific questions and giving you more options to pick from. [CDATA[/* >