Phil is stunned when he realizes that Mick is in fact Shirley's son, who she had at fourteen, subsequently raised by Shirley's parents as their son, without Mick ever discovering the truth. Sharon decides not to tell Phil the truth, but later changes her mind when she learns that Denise is planning to give her son up for adoption. The soap's. However, it is later revealed that Archie's killer was in fact his rape victim Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner); this was discovered just moments after her husband Bradley Branning (Charlie Clements) fell to his death whilst on the run from the police, which Phil had witnessed in the midst of celebrating Ricky and Bianca's second wedding. Louise asks Phil if she could have inherited Lisa's condition and Phil admits his part in causing Lisa's illness. 2005 saw the highly anticipated screen return of both of the Mitchell brothers six years since they last appeared together. However, it ends when Sharon's painkiller addiction puts Lexi in danger. In gratitude for Grant rescuing Ben, Phil tells Grant that Mark is his son. Phil and Sharon reunite after her relationship with Jack ends. Phil and his brother Grant became popularly known as the Mitchell brothers in the British media, with Phil initially portrayed as the more level-headed of the two thugs. The brothers return to Walford when Peggy requests they help his sister Sam (Kim Medcalf), who is wrongfully remanded in custody for Den's murder; Den was murdered by his second wife and Sam's nemesis, Chrissie (Tracy-Ann Oberman), after the duo and Sam's friend Zoe Slater (Michelle Ryan) initially worked together to get revenge on Den for his nefarious activities including Sam's intent to avenge Phil's ordeal. [7] He starts seeing Lisa Shaw (Lucy Benjamin), but the relationship stalls when Kathy returns briefly in 1999 and sleeps with Grant. Jay is charged with perverting the course of justice and Phil orders him to change his statement so Ben will not go to prison, but Jay refuses and Phil disowns him but does manage to convince Roxy to lie in her statement. [4] On the rebound, Phil enters into a marriage of convenience with Nadia Borovac (Anna Barkan) - a Romanian refugee - enabling her to stay in Britain, with Nadia departing after the wedding.[3]. In the ensuing clash between them, Phil orders a group of his friends to beat Dennis up and later slaps Sharon when she confronts him over it. Phil soon falls for Kate Morton (Jill Halfpenny), unaware that she is an undercover police officer investigating Lisa's disappearance. While trying to escape, Phil pulls out a gun and shoots at the dashboard, causing Grant to crash into the River Thames. During a family meal where Peggy is set to announce her engagement to her brother-in-law Archie (Larry Lamb), tensions build when Phil upsets Ben and nearly lashes out at him. Phil Mitchell's appearance shocks viewers on EastEnders. Lola regains full custody of Lexi, leaving Phil to feel lonely. Phil and Aidan hide the stolen money in a coffin in Billy's funeral parlour. Following the supposed death of Kathy and her husband Gavin Sullivan (Paul Nicholas) earlier on, Ben returns to England and moves in with Ian much to Phil's surprise. By Charlotte McIntyre 17:50, Wed, Apr . Phil Mitchell is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, played by Steve McFadden. Phil's bullying of Ian almost costs him his life: when Ian finds Phil having a heart attack, he threatens to let him die but helps Phil for Ben's sake. While Grant also make amends with Sharon by making peace with Dennis as well, Phil begins a feud with Johnny over his issue with Peggy and the fact that he and Chrissie are having a partnership over the pub's ownership. The Mitchell brothers quickly became two of the soap's most popular characters and storylines involving them began to dominate the programme. Once recovered, Phil learns that Carl is framing their business partner Max Branning (Jake Wood) for causing the car crash as well as using Ian as a false witness. Phil Mitchell ( Steve McFadden) could be set to make a swift exit from Albert Square this festive season, as upcoming EastEnders scenes will see the legend take drastic action. There, Phil discovers Ben's current boyfriend Luke Browning (Adam Astill) is Willmott-Brown's son when he finds a photo of them. "[18] Script writers were reportedly given private security after a writer's laptop was stolen in what was believed to be an attempt to gain the identity of the assailant. Gillian Taylforth as Kathy Beale Letitia Dean as Sharon Watts James Bye as Martin Fowler Steve McFadden as. Among other deeds, Ben sends Denise Fox (Diane Parish) evidence that Phil supplied the cut-and-shut car responsible for her ex-husband, Kevin Wicks' (Phil Daniels), death in 2008. At first Phil attempts to negotiate with Johnny to no avail, but they end up fighting when Grant intervenes punching Jake and helping Phil batter Johnny to steal the recording. Phil and Sharon are told Lisa switched cabs and find Lisa's flat, which is empty. If y. Phil lends Grant money to support him financially and Grant tells him to fight his liver condition. When Peggy learns the extent of Archie's deceit, she ends their marriage by ordering Phil to throw him out of the pub shortly before the family learn that Danielle has died after being fatally struck by a car driven by Frank's daughter Janine Butcher (Charlie Brooks). However, the money later goes missing. Phil appears to oblige at first, but then proceeds to physically throw Lisa out of the hospital ordering her to stay away from their daughter. While Dennis is being attended to, a doctor tells Phil that his scans showed he has cirrhosis of the liver, a disease garnered from his alcoholism. Phil prepares for his son Ben's marriage to Callum. After Phil insults Shirley and makes hurtful remarks about the fling they had together, an enraged Shirley attempts to go for him, but Sharon stops her, and after a brief struggle, Phil is accidentally shot. The character made a shocking discovery last week as his ex-wife Honey. Ben is left furious at Phil and Kathy is eventually forced to tell Ben that Willmott-Brown has raped her. Within minutes, the pub is ablaze and the roof collapses on Phil. After resolving matters with Grant and securing Jake's safety from exposed as a killer following the discovery of Danny's death, Phil resumes life with his family and Sharon. It's top secret. He is the fianc of Kat Slater and is portrayed by Steve McFadden. A week later, Phil returns home, battered and bruised. He refuses to, so Phil attempts to get Louise back, resulting in a car chase that ends when Steve crashes his car into a wall. Phil is known for being the son of Peggy Mitchell (Barbara Windsor), and the brother of Grant Mitchell (Ross Kemp) and Sam Mitchell (Danniella Westbrook). EastEnders legend Steve McFadden is 61-years-old and was born on 20 March 1959. However, Martin cannot go through with it so he and Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) help Keanu fake his death and escape abroad with a new identity. They soon clash, however, when it becomes clear that Carl plans to usurp Phil as the square's reigning hardman. When Ronnie discovers her gun was used after Shirley stole it, Ronnie asks Jay and Ben to dispose of it. When she discovers this, Lisa tells Kate that she is taking Louise. who portrays her current love interest Phil Mitchell. [4] Kate disappears, but several months later, Phil finds her working as the secretary for the Walford's veteran reigning gangland kingpin - Jack Dalton (Hywel Bennett). Phil tells Social Services it is his fault for being too relaxed with Lola, but then allows Lola to look after Lexi while he goes out. Contents 1 Background 2 Storylines Later, while Phil confronts Nick in his house, Ronnie goes into labour and on the way to the hospital, the wedding car crashes. However, Callum reveals to Ben that he had been collecting evidence on Phil for the police to send Phil down, as a way to keep Ben out of prison for a heist carried out by the Mitchell's in 2020. Lisa agrees until some of Phil's relatives, assuming she is the nanny, start talking about how unstable Louise's mother is. EastEnders spoilers follow. Phil was gunned down outside his home in March 2001 in a "Dallas-style" whodunnit mystery. Storylines featuring the Mitchell family dominated the soap opera throughout the 1990s, with Phil serving as one of the show's central characters and protagonist villains since the 1990s. [32], The character of Phil is arguably one of the soap's most popular, particularly with female viewers, making him one of the soap's unlikeliest sex symbols. Nick overhears this, and cuts the brakes of the wedding car. After the two are forced to work together to provide 200,000 for Mel's release, Phil plans to take Dan down during the exchange. She returned briefly in 2010 along with other members of the Jackson family, and re-appeared in the soap from 8 to 18 February 2010 and again in January 2011. Their conflict leads to Phil abducting Vincent's daughter Pearl, with the two threatening to shoot each other up to the point where Vincent attempts to strangle Phil to death, before later sorting out their differences when his friend Fatboy (Ricky Norwood) gets accidentally killed. Phil is unable to give Ronnie away on her wedding day to Jack, so she and Roxy visit him in hospital. [22] In July 2004, it was announced that McFadden had delayed his return. The brothers try to dissuade Peggy from committing suicide but are unaware of pills secretly hidden in her makeup bag. Of particular note is an episode where Phil attends Alcoholics Anonymous (February 1997), an "alien and uncomfortable arena" where he was forced to talk about his condition, expose his vulnerability and reveal the basis of his problem the physical abuse he'd received from his father and his fear that he will do the same. Show producer Sean O'Connor has revealed that he will come back a changed man. Executive producer Louise Berridge went on to say that she was "looking forward to Steve returning in 2004". Phil later finds this out and wants revenge on Callum. Producer Corinne Hollingworth commented: "There were some good actors we had to turn down because we couldn't find the 'right' brother. Die Serie wurde . Phil soon wants children with Sharon, but she reveals that she is infertile due to a botched abortion; Sharon later admits that the baby she aborted six years earlier was that of Grant. Phil's former prison cellmate, Aidan Maguire (Patrick Bergin), arrives in Walford and tells Phil that he is planning a robbery and promises to give Phil half of the money if he participates. He then forms a relationship with local beautician Suzy Branning (Maggie O'Neill) in an attempt to move on from Stella, and the two end up getting engaged with each other after she falsely claims to be pregnant with his child. [4] Phil undergoes surgery, which stirs remorse in Grant. Louise's phone dies as she tries to phone the police and Lisa prevents Louise from leaving, but when Lisa allows her to go, Louise chooses to stay with and comfort Lisa when she is distressed. Phil was one of the major characters introduced by executive producer Michael Ferguson, who wanted to bring in some macho male leads. They are not being told anyone else's storylines. Phil then reveals this to be a lie in a mysterious phone call. Ben and Jay are kidnapped by Paul's killers and he attempts to go after them, however when he collapses, Grant offers to help him get Ben and Jay back. Lisa plans to take Louise, going to Liverpool Street station. Lisa stays with Louise at the hospital and Lisa stands up to Phil, telling him she is not going and Phil allows Lisa to visit Louise. A teenage version of Phil, played by Daniel Delaney, appeared in a flashback episode broadcast on 5 September 2022, which focuses on the Mitchell family in the 1970s.[2]. Phil soon gets into a disagreement with Sharon when she continually puts her work at The Albert before their relationship, only beginning to become more involved with the bar when she is unimpressed at his lack of interest in her work. They later marry, but are oblivious to Shirley's bitterness up to the point where she attempts to persuade him to be with her, rather than Sharon, only hours before the wedding. Will Phil do something he cannot come back from? [35], During a period of heavy media criticism aimed at EastEnders throughout 2004 and 2005, the characterwho was on a hiatus from the showwas reintroduced twice in what was branded by the press as a bid to "boost flagging Enders. Kathy insists to Phil that he justifies his reasons to Ben about giving Jay the car lot land. Phil meets Aaron, the son of his friend Tony, who was meant to have the liver the Phil received, and gives him money out of guilt for having survived when Tony died, however Aaron's mother, Antoinette, returns it and tells him not to contact them again. Unaware of Phil's role in her attack, Sharon accepts. Phil warns Lisa not to mess up. [] He's hit his kids and his mum, so yes, [worse violence is] something he's capable of. Perry Fenwick has played Billy Mitchell for over 20 years. After luring Phil into his car, Carl seemingly drives them to a meet-up with his associates. BBC EastEnders viewers spoke out after Denise roped Phil Mitchell into picking Raymond up from nursery. Phil returns to the Square to rescue his family from a "shock crisis". [3] Sharon and Grant's reconciliation is brief, and amidst more rowing and physical violence, Grant is arrested and imprisoned. . Several women have left him due to this and his inability to put their needs before the needs of his family. It is at this point where Sharon's adoptive brother, Dennis Rickman (Nigel Harman), arrives in Walford. People do crazy, mad things like this when they're desperate. Sharon's life was recently . She is later hospitalized with a ruptured spleen, leaving Phil distraught though he later admits to Shirley that he arranged for the men to scare Sharon at the bar, but believed the bodyguards that he hired for her would have protected her and did not realize that she would be hurt. This is soon discovered by Ronnie and Roxy's mother, Glenda (Glynis Barber). Phil tells Sharon he wants to adopt Dennis. Jack is arrested but Phil does not press charges after Sharon convinces him for her and Lexi's sake. Sonia returned as a permanent character . He collapses and is taken to hospital, where they discover he has several broken bones from two days before. Shirley confronts Carl about his actions, and she mysteriously disappears after this, though her friends believe she has gone to Greece as she had planned. Their feud culminates badly for Phil, when he reluctantly joins Den in an armed robbery only to learn that Den had set him up on behalf of both Lisa and his family; Phil is subsequently arrested when the police arrive on the scene. He and Kathy reconcile when he attends counselling, until he begins an affair with fellow alcoholic Lorna Cartwright (Janet Dibley) who starts stalking him. Phil and Kat later buy the launderette and convert the back of it into a taxi rank, as a legacy for both their children. Later on, Phil claims to have killed Stella and is taken into custody but is later released without charge. He's really angry about it and feels the world is against him. The doctor gives Lisa consent to take Louise outside and Lisa tells Louise she has been discharged. Phil finds Louise (now played by Tilly Keeper) at her school and he gives her money to support her future. He pressures Phil into blaming Sharon for their affair and Grant forces her to leave Walford. He later follows Kathy to the airport but is stopped by Kathy's son, Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt), who persuades him that Kathy and Ben are better off without him. Keanu escapes after surviving the accident and is last seen leaving his mother Karen and departing the tube station. We've already explained how Phil (Steve McFadden) will be taking matters into his own hands after. Horrified at this, Steve and Mel ask Lisa and Louise to emigrate to California with them. After Nick takes the money but refuses to leave, Ronnie asks Phil to get rid of Nick. The relationship between alcohol abuse and domestic violence was explored between Phil and his wife Kathy (played by Gillian Taylforth) culminating in the slow deterioration of their marriage, which gripped viewers throughout 1997. Phil kidnaps Ian on the day of Max's trial so he cannot testify, and then kidnaps Carl once Max is acquitted. Steve McFadden is 5 foot 7 inches tall. Twitter user E asked: "Raymond is 6, why . Shirley initially accepts, but later changes her mind after discovering Phil's affair with Glenda; though she later forgives Phil for his infidelity, Shirley refuses to marry him. In EastEnders, Billy Mitchell is actually 61-years-old, but the actor who plays him - Perry Fenwick - is 58-years-old. Phil is angry as the doctor explains how Louise is at a crucial stage in her recovery and the police tell Phil and Sharon what they are doing. To distract himself, Phil gets involved in a protection racket with Annie Palmer (Nadia Sawalha), who he is also having casual sex with, but grows tired of being bossed around by her and quits. Ferguson had previously been a producer on ITV's The Bill which seemed to be challenging EastEnders in providing a realistic vision of modern life in London. Before Kathy returns to South Africa, she asks Phil to go with her but he declines as Grant has planned an armed robbery and Phil refuses to let him do the job alone. Sie handelt vom Leben der Menschen im fiktiven Borough Walford im East End in London.Die Handlung spielt sich im Wesentlichen am Albert Square, einem viktorianischen Platz mit Reihenhusern, und in den Nachbarstraen Bridge Street, Turpin Road und George Street ab. Phil reacts badly when he discovers Ben (now Joshua Pascoe) is gay, and makes it clear that he prefers Billy's foster son, Jay Brown (Jamie Borthwick). One of the most notable and popular early storylines involving Phil was a love triangle between him, his brother and his brother's wife Sharon (played by Letitia Dean). Some time after, Phil tries to give Ian advice after Bobby violently assaults Jane, putting her in hospital. [45], Although popular with many, the character has also garnered much criticism over the years. Henna Sharma; Published: 3:26 ET, Apr 16 2021; Updated: 7:55 ET, Apr 16 2021; By then, Phil's drinking worsens and he drives with Ian and Dennis in the car whilst intoxicated. While he is recovering, he puts Ronnie in charge of his businesses. In Friday's (September 10) episode, the race was on to find Scarlett. When Lexi is unwell, Phil praises Lola's actions, and decides to tell Social Services that Lola may be ready to have Lexi back. Sharon and Phil reminisced on the good old days, making Kat become . Among the many issues Phil has been used to cover is alcoholism and the consequences the condition has upon the sufferer's life. Phil confronts Sharon, letting her know he knows that her baby isn't his and that Keanu is the real father. New BBC spoilers confirm that Phil (Steve McFadden) will . After agreeing to drop the truth, Phil denies speaking to Mark. He is best known for his role as Phil Mitchellin the BBC Onesoap operaEastEnders, which he has played since 1990. Later in the year, Phil attempts to buy back The Queen Vic, wanting to move his family into The Queen Vic after his split with Sharon. At first, Phil is willing to go along with it and goes to confront Dennis at Sharon's nightclub, "Angie's Den", where he holds him at gunpoint. The doctor warns Phil that without treatment, he could die, but Phil remains in denial about this. In early 2001, Lisa leaves, keeping quiet about her pregnancy, so when Mark Fowler (Todd Carty) suggests they tell people that the baby is his, Lisa agrees. McFadden temporarily left the series in late 2003, then returned in April 2005 for a brief appearance before making a permanent return in October 2005. After a furious confrontation, he tries to convince her not to tell the police but Ben confesses to the police and is charged with Heather's murder. [13] Shot in London's Docklands, the scenes required stunt doubles, divers and crash test dummies and it has been hailed as "one of the soap's most dramatic storylines ever. This results in a fight on the deck of the boat, in which the captain is knocked out. Lisa decides that a baby will improve their relationship so stops taking contraceptive pills but Phil wants Lisa to leave him, not get pregnant, so he admits to Lisa that he and Mel slept together. Phil then flees Walford and is not seen for over a year afterwards.[4]. While on board, Phil confronts Keanu with a gun, demanding to know where Callum is and also to confront him about his affair with Sharon. This is further notified when Dalton summons Phil to carry out his favour with a task: killing Dennis. Shirley finds out and believes he is doing it so she will stay quiet about his involvement in Heather's death. Phil is later reunited with a dying Peggy. Ronnie vows to help Phil regain his sobriety and allows him to move in with her and Honey once he is discharged from hospital, but the drinking continues. Sharon and Phil have sex but she stays with Grant, who is unaware of their betrayal. EastEnders (TV Series 1985- ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. When Peggy finds out about this, she locks him inside her home so he cannot have access to drugs; however, Phil suffering from withdrawal symptoms escapes and confronts Peggy, setting the pub on fire as a result. Shortly before the events of Dan's trial and Mel's kidnapping, Sharon returns to the square; she reconciles with Phil and they run The Queen Vic together. After Ben's departure, Phil bonds with Dennis. "); developing an addiction to crack cocaine that sparks the events of The Queen Vic Fire Week; his ongoing struggle to bond with his children Ben (Max Bowden) and Louise (Tilly Keeper), and discovering that his wife Sharon has had an affair with and later fallen pregnant by his daughter Louise's fianc Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters). Months later, Ian summons Phil with a request; Kathy's rapist James Willmott-Brown (William Boyde) has returned to Walford. However, she later overhears his secret and begins plotting against him with the help from their family solicitor Marcus Christie (Stephen Churchett). He has played the role of Phil Mitchell since 1990 when he arrived in Walford with brother Grant (Ross Kemp) and mum . Realizing he drove her to it, Phil gradually forgives Lisa and instead decides to frame Dan upon learning that he has been extorting money from his godson Jamie (Jack Ryder) whom Phil had taken under his wing to spare him from being further abused by his legal guardian and uncle, Billy (Perry Fenwick). The repercussions of Phil's betrayal contributed to many subsequent storylines involving the Mitchell brothers during the 1990s. [1], Phil is a consistent and central character in the satirical McFadden's Cold War collages by Cold War Steve. Dan then escapes with the money, never to be seen in Walford again, while Phil recovers and returns to the square upon helping Steve rescue Mel.[4]. Unfortunately, after Dennis batters Johnny at the stroke of the New Year, Johnny arranges for him to be stabbed and Dennis dies in Sharon's arms leaving her devastated, while Phil becomes ridden with guilt for Dennis' death and vows revenge against Johnny. Eventually, the police catch up to Chrissie just as she prepares to flee the country at the airport and Sharon punches her in revenge for her father's death; Chrissie is then arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment, while Sam is released from prison only to end up fleeing the country when she finds herself implicated for perverting the course of justice for Den's murder. When Phil offers Sharon an increase of her salary, and a 19% stake in club, Jack is not pleased and punches Phil, who falls into the vehicle pit in the garage. It's not set to be a good end to the year for EastEnders ' Phil Mitchell as it's been revealed that he may end 2021 by going on the run. Grant also makes a brief reappearance, warning Phil to expect a war over money owed to Grant. Walford General Hospital is the nearest hospital for the residents of Walford. He was introduced to the soap opera on 20 February 1990 and was followed by his brother Grant ( Ross Kemp ), sister Sam ( Danniella Westbrook / Kim Medcalf) and mother Peggy ( Jo Warne / Barbara Windsor ). He comes close to telling Ian something, but is interrupted by Ben, who is shocked to see he is back. During a charity abseil on top of The Queen Vic, Shirley proposes to Phil and he accepts. In addition, Phil's portrayal of a suffering alcoholic was also seen as realistic and a "typical portrayal of bottled-up masculinity". Lends Grant money to support her future 's painkiller addiction puts Lexi in danger for affair. That McFadden had delayed his return day of Max 's trial so can! Week later, Phil tells Grant that Mark is his son Ben 's departure Phil... She discovers this, and cuts the brakes of the major characters introduced by executive producer Ferguson! Brothers during the 1990s after Sharon convinces him for her and Lexi 's sake since. 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